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Old 08-23-2007, 07:45 AM   #1541
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Re: Baseline skillset

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Lastly, I'd say that even if someone has all the math and physics in the world at their disposal, if they don't know how to do it physically then all that math and physics is a waste of time and won't help them learn diddly-squat.
That's quite a bold statement there Mike. I think math and physics is rather important to our development and well being as human beings thereby giving us more time for luxury's like budo training and blogging. Granted, it is a two-edged sword, but I certainly would not dismiss it as a waste of time.
And what should we be learning in our study of budo?
Does one have to be able to manifest something "physically" for it to be of worth. I have enjoyed many a good book that defy that reasoning.
I'm still not quite sure what I should be physically manifesting in my training. The thing that I am ultimately curious about is what I feel like. One can never really know that. We are always relying on someone else's opinion of what we feel like. If the budo Kami would grant me one wish it would be for me to be able to feel me. Oh what progress I would make then.
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