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Old 07-12-2007, 04:09 PM   #1075
Dojo: Aikido of Central New York
Location: Cortland, NY
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,006
Re: Aikido does not work at all in a fight.

Don Magee wrote: View Post
..... The question is, can you actually get those moves to work on a person who is resisting. Not resisting after you have the lock, but resisting from the moment the conflict starts. Can you get it to work on a guy trying his best to knock your block off ......
There was a column in BLACK BELT a while ago about how such techniques are verified in MMA fights .... but that edges. Say, for instance, when a fight is stopped because someone takes a hit in the eye. I saw a fight reply in the Spike show in which a very big guy took a hit in the eye. That hurt him enough that he couldn't defend himself and his side though in the towel. If you follow boxing and MMA I'm sure you can think of other examples of fights stopped because one fighter took a hit in or near an eye, including situations where you get a bloody cut.

Likewise, he sighted the example of a fight stopped because someone took a knee shot in the groin; he was carried out of the ring.

Unfortunately, it's been months since I read the article, which I believe was on of Keith Vargo's columns. If you really want a precise citation, I can hunt for it. The point was to look at when fights are stopped for reasons other than a knockout or a submission. When it's because of hits in or near the eye, yes, it looks like you can reach that target if someone is trying to knock your block off, and you shouldn't put it down.
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