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Old 07-10-2007, 09:04 AM   #1343
David Orange
Dojo: Aozora Dojo
Location: Birmingham, AL
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,511
Re: Baseline skillset

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
...your contention was about "pulling silk" and that children do it.
No, my contention was that my children (and others) have moved and generally tend to move as you described in your description of silk pulling. They do aiki, but it doesn't rise to the refined level of aiki-"do". They use fascial connection, but not the specifically refined methods of silk pulling and reeling. But they're closer to these things than most adults.

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
You have a disconnect built around the mistaken idea of what "natural" means: "natural movement" is not the same thing as "instinctive movement", but you seem to miss that point repeatedly.
No, you miss the point by trying to reframe my statements to fit the mistake you want me to be making. And that's your mistake.

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
"Natural" has to do with "following the natural laws of the universe".... that's why O-Sensei mentioned "harmony with the universe". He didn't mean instinctive behavior and he didn't mean you have to talk nicey-nice to everyone (his temper was famous) in order to "be in harmony".
Yes. I think Tohei specifically said he was "child-like". Or maybe Stan Pranin translated it that way because the behavior Tohei described might be better called "childish."

Why do I feel that this does not help any of your arguments?

Fish follow the natural laws of the universe from birth. So do dogs, cats, horses, the wind, waves, sunlight and everything else in nature. The only thing unnatural about humans is that we reject nature and try to replac it with something "better." The only way to improve on nature is to "culitvate" it. And that means "develop what is there," not replace it.


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