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Old 07-10-2007, 07:02 AM   #1338
Mike Sigman
Location: Durango, CO
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 4,123
Re: Baseline skillset

David Orange wrote: View Post
"Balderdash. You're arguing by assertion again," Mike Sigman asserted with an exclamation mark!

Get it, Mike? That is your assertion and it does nothing to refute the substance of my statements.
What you're implying is that if you make a statement I'm obligated to prove that it's not so. I.e., suggesting that I'm supposed to prove a negative. That's childish, David. Part of the "big boys forums" I mentioned to Dan.... no one plays those kinds of games in a legitimate discussion.
No, not "fully developed and refined" silk reeling or any of that. Neither does a fully-grown adult who starts lessons. For any living person, those skills are refined in a process that takes time. So what? The child moves exactly as you described: "pull back with your body (not your arm or hand) ...[as if] your arm and hand are nothing more than a towel or piece of cloth...move your torso backward slowly until you can feel the stretch in your fingers, hand, arm, shoulder, and across your back..."
David I made a caveat indicating that sometimes child will do things like that. But that's not the essence of the way they move. What happens is that yes, sometimes babies move like or in ways that resemble what you're talking about, but the part you glibly leave out is that many/most of their movements are not like that at all and are isolated and inefficient movements. You want to make your case on one type of observed movement while glossing over the fact that that's not what always happens. If you're not honest enough to mention something that obvious, why should we prolong the discussion?


Mike Sigman
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