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Old 07-04-2007, 11:56 AM   #1223
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Baseline skillset

Christian Moses wrote: View Post
Dan I agree with everything you're saying there. I'm stating what I think *is* rather than *what should be*. I train with people who have a similar view to my own, but I have been told by many in the Aikido world that the *only* way to 'teach' someone aikido is to let them find it on their own. Ikeda Sensei basically says as much in his own guidelines for instructors. But then, the fact that I don't agree with that premise is why I find myself where I am, training with a few guys in a smelly basement (conveniently located to several equally smelly bars!).
Well hell I feel your pain. Its why I left martial arts wholesale for a very long time and only trained with a small group in an unfinished barn, willing to work this stuff with me.
After many years, when I went out again to some Dojos I remembered why I left in the first place. Most people will just never get it. It's just the way it is. But they're happy grabbin and rolling and "meeting energies" and having a support group at Dojo barbeque's. I see nothing wrong with that. In fact, I see many good things with that.
It just aint where I wanna be with my time.
Being left to "find aikido on their own" is just sooo Japanese and is everything that is wrong with aikido in one clear sentence.
Yet we see Ikeda seeking out Ushiro and particpating in a systema demo. So -he-is at least working on his own stuff.

Last edited by DH : 07-04-2007 at 12:01 PM.
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