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Old 07-04-2007, 10:51 AM   #1219
Dojo: TNBBC (Icho Ryu Aiki Budo), Shinto Ryu IaiBattojutsu
Location: Seattle, WA
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 927
Re: Baseline skillset

Robert John wrote: View Post
Let me see if I can be a bit clearer, I understand what you're saying, so lets see if were crossing wires.
What I meant to say is that with regards to these skills, anyone that develops it to a high degree knows exactly what they're working on internally (physically and mentally speaking).

Robert John wrote: View Post
I think if you pressed that particular prof he could come up with an explanation on his own terms to some degree.
Whether or not he could express it well would be a different matter (and I could also understand why he would simply give up and say, *here guys figure it out* in order to weed out the unmotivated)
Trust me, we pressed him. I had him for 5 separate 300+ level classes. I am convinced that it was simply the way he thought. His brain did not work like mine did.

Robert John wrote: View Post
Personally Ive always been more partial to what Feynman said, on how if you really understand the subject, you should be able to explain it *well* on your own terms.
Again I agree, but what happens when your *own* terms are some extremely complicated multi-dimension equations? Or, to bring it around to the martial topic, what happens when you *understand* internal dynamics by movements of deities through your body or strategies of budo by white lines of power? What happens if that is your own terms? The people who become really great teachers, are those with enough natural ability to do it, and an ability to transmit what they are doing to a properly motivated student *in terms that their students can understand*.

Chris Moses
TNBBC, "Putting the ME in MEdiocre!"
Budo Tanren at Seattle School of Aikido
Shinto Ryu Iai-Battojutsu
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