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Old 07-02-2007, 03:53 PM   #1164
David Orange
Dojo: Aozora Dojo
Location: Birmingham, AL
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1,511
Re: Baseline skillset

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Oh stoppit. You claim to be an expert and a teacher and you resent people not accepting your word. If you knew the stuff, you could answer the questions. If you publicly post that you are an expert, expect the questions. Certainly bona fide students have a right to see how you handle questions and it's enlightening to see "teachers" challenged. It does good for the art.
Nobody minds being questioned more than you, Mike. I don't mind and I've never claimed to be an expert. I knew an expert very well and I go by what I learned from him, but no one knows better than I that I'm not a "master."

But again, with the personal attacks. That's where you're the master and yet you have the thinnest skin when they come back to you! It's funny!

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Again, why don't you contribute factual information, physical "how to's", etc., rather than name-dropping with the constant "me and Mochizuki" stuff?
Well, that's what I just said: whatever "anyone" (and that means me or "ANYONE" else posts, "you" and that means "MIKE SIGMAN" come in and not only "question" it but flat out say that it's wrong, mistaken, ignorant and (insert your favorite insult here) plus your opinion that the person who said it "doesn't understand," "doesn't have a clue," "can't do" or "(insert your favorite put-down here)".

And then your sycophants jump into the "discussion"....

So I give you back a taste of your own kusuri and your golden curls start whipping about and your little feet start stamping....

Get a sense of humor, Cap.

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
One thing that always makes me suspicious is when someone's credentials rely heavily on someone else's name or reputations ( even anonymoust ones like "Chinese masters" or "secret koryu" or "senior Tai Chi teachers" etc.). Hey.... I'm willing to listen to guys claiming to be experts, but when you get into the game, the ante is being able to answer real questions, not smear someone else's reputation to get off the topic. It's very un-Aikido-like.
( do you type the sound of someone stifling a laugh?)...Like I say, Mike, all anyone can go on is where they've been and what they've done. You apparently once had someone "talking about promoting you to black belt in aikido" and...apparently that didn't went off into Chinese martial arts and now these years later, you want to be known as an expert in Japanese arts, too. I don't mind that. I don't put any stock in rank, myself. But you, yourself, would be taken even more seriously than a lot of people take you if you weren't so insistent on putting other people down. You can have glory on glory without that. But if you constantly put it out, you will eventually get some back. It's just human nature.

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
Insofar as Chris's "silk reeling', wouldn't the obvious answer to my first remark have been to simply explain how what he did was silk-reeling and how it worked?...... as opposed to anger and attack?
Funny you should interpret his response in that way. I don't think that's the kind of "sensitivity" we try to develop as martial artists, is it?

As I read Chris' reply, it was a little defensive, but far from an attack. He was trying to stay on your good side trying to ally with you. No way he wanted to attack you. He wanted your good graces. You should go back and reread it.

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
("fora" is proper if you speak Latin, for the neuter plural, but within English the more proper plural is "forums")
Oh. Sorry. I usually speak Latin, especially when I'm talking to myself....

Mike Sigman wrote: View Post
The original topic had to do with the idea that the Chinese martial arts use some sort of "different approach". I say they don't really, if you look at the basics. "Reeling Silk" is actually a product of ki and kokyu-power, when you break it down to its components. However, if you disagree, why not see if you can explain why rather than do another post on my personality as you perceive it?
Again, that had to do with my statement that the Japanese and Chinese arts "do" "begin" with the same basics, but each emphasizes a different principle or two, then refines and evolves that emphasized method to the point that it is vastly different from those arts that have followed the same process emphasizing different principles. I said that "silk reeling" is an example--"unless someone can show me a Japanese art that uses silk reeling."

Your reply was something like "research would probably show that some koryu had used it at some point in the past" which was all you needed (your own speculation) to prove the "fact".

Of course, when Chris said that his ryu uses silk reeling, AH! That verged into an attempt to share the spotlight with Master M! Let the excoriation begin!!!!

I note that you never addressed Dan's assertion that silk-reeling is included in daito ryu....

Don't take it so hard, Mike. And maybe you shouldn't dish it out so much, either.


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Lao Tzu

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