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Old 07-01-2007, 09:57 PM   #1146
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: Baseline skillset

So much for my attempts at humor.

Yes I am stating I learned it from Japanese sources
Yes I think the JMA and CMA internal methods are inexorabably intertwined.
The joke was that
a. I am sick of stating they share most things so
b. I am stating they MUST be different.
Which meant I could avoid being surprised like you were about the Japanese Koryu-a joke.

No I don't think the Koryu have a leg up.In fact I am on record of stating the opposite If you go back a year ago I told you -I- was surprised when I saw shared terminology, like "listening" and breath-power and even some of the same expressions in movement. Sorry but peng jin -IS- Aiki age. I thought "I was mistaken all those years when I thought my training was unique in all the world." I said that on aikido journal before I got disgusted and removed all my most posts and I said it here and on E-budo. Overal this is just a huge time waster to keep trying to convince people who either don't care or decidedly DO NOT want to know and then get ticked -off.. The hell with it.

I didn't bring up the Chinese method except to say a teacher I know was listening to me describe what I was doing and he used the word "full" which I jumped on! It was perfect for what I was trying to say. It is part of the breathing of in/yo ho. Every other referrence to things "Chinese" came from you.
What I don't get is we have been discussing my way as being different from the framework, stretched method you use. I don't do that except to teach new guys some basics to midlevel stuff.
But now you just swtiched and told me what -I- am doing is Chinese.
But it isn't what you are doing....
which is a background in Chinese arts...
My head hurts.

Notice how I can be confused and not understand your point- as it sounds fishy- and yet still not insult you.
Take a hint.

Last edited by DH : 07-01-2007 at 10:08 PM.
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