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Old 06-28-2007, 10:31 AM   #16
Basia Halliop
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 711
Re: Ueshibas Aikido not the Best

OK, I forgot, there is some footage of him in the 1930s, when he's in his fifties. But it still seems like very little to go on, at least for me.

I say 'why' because I don't understand why some people seem to go almost to the point of religion about O'Sensei. Isn't it enough that he invented and popularized something we very much respect and enjoy without having to believe that he's some kind of demi-god that no mortal human could ever surpass? (That's what I thought you were referring to when you said it was a controversial question.)

To me that isn't even particularly respectful, in a weird kind of way. I respect ordinary humans who have to work hard for what they get and are less than perfect.
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