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Old 06-18-2007, 01:04 PM   #8
Location: Massachusetts
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 3,202
Re: Aikido, Martial Arts, and Buddhism

Brian Northrup wrote: View Post
I realize that Aikido lends itself to the pursuit of buddhist thought, but what about other martial arts, like the more violent ones. It seems to me that what i have read about buddhism points to not doing anything that goes against peaceful ends, basicaly my understanding is that any negative action only hurts the peace process. So my question is if you train in a violent art, even if your intentions are sincere and peaceful, are you injuring the whole buddhist philosophy?
My opinion is that aikido practitioners who seek to be peaceful people will make better progress if they start by getting past this ridiculous hokum idea that aikido is somehow inherently peaceful, saintly, and generally holier-than-thou, and that other styles are "violent". As someone who had my start in other styles, it baffles the bejesus out of me how otherwise intelligent people can believe this sort of self-serving claptrap.
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