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Old 06-18-2007, 10:33 AM   #5
Kevin Leavitt
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Location: Olympia, Washington
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: Aikido, Martial Arts, and Buddhism

I align myself and identify with buddhism.

I am also am an infantryman in the U.S. Army that trains soldiers for combat.

I am also a vegetarian (close to vegan, but not quite), based fairly much on the tenants that no suffering or killing animals.

I also practice Aikido, BJJ, and MMA as well.

Buddhism has room to include viiolence in an attempt to understand it and reduce suffering.

Zen Koan: Do no harm, Stop Harm.

What martial arts do you consider violent? That is, more so than aikido.

I think part of the irony of martial arts (to include Aikido) is that we actively participate or simulate acts of violence in an attempt to heal , quell, stop, control, understand, and embrace violence.

philosophically, I think those that view themselves separate or not participating in violence to be deluded, ignorant, and possibly hippocritical.

Violence is a part of our world, and we all play a role in some way in that process. What is key is understanding violence, and being able to identify it, and be able to respond with the proper measure of force or choices when faced with it.

To me, it is not about the amount of violence in a martial art, but how we choose to react to, and embrace it that makes all the difference.

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