Thread: Buddhist Wisdom
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Old 06-10-2007, 04:35 AM   #23
Dojo: Tanworth in Arden
Location: Warwickshire
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 20
Re: Buddhist Wisdom

Hi Tony,

I've read a number of Suzuki Roshi books - you might like Thich Nhat Hanh also.

In reference to your points about how masters sound the same and how O'Sensei's sayings can seem similar to Buddha, I think that this is because the source of these is the same.

Lao Tse wrote about the Tao and is one of the founding books on Taoism. Zen stems from Taoism and is closely linked to Aikido because of the links Aikijutsu had with Samurai and the links between Iaido and Zen.

I once practiced at a dojo that taught Karate, Judo and Aikido and the teachers agreed that the more you understand about an art, the greater its similarities to other arts.
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