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Old 05-26-2007, 07:33 PM   #9
Pauliina Lievonen
Pauliina Lievonen's Avatar
Dojo: Jiki Shin Kan Utrecht
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 562
Re: Frustration about testing

Derek Duval wrote: View Post
I don't mean that if you come in at 3rd kyu and put in the amount of time you test. I mean if you come in at 3rd kyu we work with you until we are in fact convinced you are 3rd kyu and are then ready for 2nd kyu.
This is the same in our dojo. And it's like I said, if someone has previous experience either from aikido or another martial art, it becomes obvious very quickly. So it's not that people need to worry about their skill not being recognised. It's just that they need to be able to show the skills and knowledge that's in our particular testing syllabus, if they want to be testing with us. Which seems kinda logical to me.

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