Thread: Open Invitation
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Old 05-22-2007, 10:07 AM   #16
Dojo: West Michigan Aikido
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 112
Re: Open Invitation

well.. No takers yet, but its not entirely bad. There are a few people going to be sticking around in Taipei to practice with. Although I don't lead a lot of classes in madarin. Most of the Taiwanese would prefer I lead the class in English.. Probable because my accent is terrilbe, and second their English is way better then my Madarin or Taiwanese. Although the dojo cho (Sensei Ricca) conducts many of his classes in Mandarin. We also have the coolest Yoga group that practices there every saturday morning. The teacher travels to India a few times a year to train and comes back with new philsophy and better ways to explain postures.

Here is a website with photos of the dojo and the mountain area.

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