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Old 05-10-2007, 03:24 AM   #7
philippe willaume
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
Re: Finish him! ... !?

That is a bit of a paradoxal question, I believe that there is a martial side to aikido and I think that it is good to be exposed to it on a regular basis even if you do not do aikido for the martial side.

All the technique in aikido can be applied so that something very nasty happens to our opponent. And that is what martial arts are for: To do arm to an opponent whilst none occurs to us, and that in reproducible manner.

Historically speaking in European medieval wrestling, the preferred method is to pin your opponent so that you can to according to your will with the other hand. That includes stabbing (in such occurrence as ikkio immobilisation they advocated stabbing at the base of the neck or in the armpit) or just pinning them (ransoming people worth it was the idea in war). So I suspect something similar is at the origin of that technique in Japan.

Aikido gives you even a bigger range of choice, and on a same token it is not because your car can do 150 mph that you drive at that speed all the time.

I see this type of application a little bit like a condom; it is better to have one and not need it than not have any and be in the need for one.


One Ringeck to bring them all and in darkness bind them,
In the Land of Windsor where phlip phlop live.
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