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Old 05-04-2007, 08:27 AM   #22
Ecosamurai's Avatar
Dojo: Takagashira Dojo
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 570
United Kingdom
Re: "Aikido is for wusses": a response?

Brian Dewey wrote: View Post
Jerks are jerks, and that will never change. As they say: "you can't fix stupid." The problem with "tough guys" is that the only language they understand is physical force. The other problem is that they never really ever grew up. Just like the bullies we remember as children, they're compensating for their personal insecurities & inadequacies. Just keep that in mind whenever a "tough guy" venomously attacks Aikido, or any other martial art for that matter, that doesn't fit their criteria.
Made me think of something even funnier than the table tennis guy actually. Last year at the freshers recruitment fair at the uni club here in Aberdeen, a guy came to the aikido stand and started chatting to me and said that his friend who'd done karate had told him that aikido was rubbish and 'didn't work'. I said that I could understand why a karate student might say that but that his friend was mistaken and that a common view of aikido by someone who does karate is that it doesn't work because you just can't grab a punch and apply a writstlock as it's too fast. I then described to him how you would apply a wristlock from a quick jab (kotegaeshi in this case) he offered his arm and as soon as I touched it I knew he was going to be a real pain about it all (he was obviously quite physically strong and wanted to prove aikido 'didn't work'), I knew I'd be able to put the kote gaeshi on him and I also knew it would be messy and risked injuring him not to mention that we weren't in any sort of a place where I'd be willing to do that to someone. So I just let him walk away thinking he was right and aikido was crap and ineffective, suited me and I certainly wasn't bothered.

A few months later he showed up at kendo and took part in a lesson. While we were waiting for our turn in a line to perform some exercise I looked over and saw that while he was waiting he had decided to punch the wall repeatedly. Presumably because he felt unhappy about the room having walls and they had clearly offended him by their grisly determination to keep the ceiling up above us.



"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."
-Martin Luther King Jr
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