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Old 04-29-2007, 05:21 AM   #36
Location: Bangkok
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 803
Re: 90% of all fights go to the ground..

Tim Mailloux wrote: View Post
Several years ago while at an aikido seminar I witnessed 2 younger (mid to late 30's) and very talanted / high ranking aikido teachers (one a 4th dan, the other a 5th dan)get into a fight during the seminar while training with one another. Aparently the two had a lot of "history" and hated one another.

Things got really ugly and puches started flying. Really sloppy wild punches I might add. They were both swinging for the fences. A few seconds latter they were both on the ground doing what looked like really bad ground and pound MMA until they were pulled apart. Not at any point did either one of these guys do or even attempt anything that vaugly resembled aikido.... and the fight also ended up on the ground.

Just though I would share
Somehow I am not surprised to read this. It's only natural. Aikido techniques are most effective when applied on an enraged opponent, at least in theory. Now if both opponents are enraged and want to hurt eachother, they couldn't possibly do any aikido, no matter the rank.

Also I remember from my Judo competition years that no matter how nice the techniques looked like during training, when doing randori or competition, it's a completely different story. 2 opponents doing the same art, who have been taught similar skills, who know eachother's weaknesses. This can only result in, well, a Judo match. 2 guys pushing and pulling and grappling, but rarely achieving any clean and decisive, esthetically appealing techniques.
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