Thread: Aiki-Boxing
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Old 04-29-2007, 03:34 AM   #25
Alec Corper
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Dojo: Itten Suginami Dojo, Nunspeet
Location: Wapenveld
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 350
Re: Aiki-Boxing

At the risk of catching a lot of flak I'd like to strongly disagree with many of the last posts. I don't think aiki-boxing is "exactly what is needed in the Aikido world". Bobbing and weaving and ducking has nothing to do with "real" aikido. The cultivation of the spirit of irimi is difficult enough without further hampering it with poor technique stemming from an entirely different approach to combat.
"There are some many things in Akikai that even though they are fun, are really impractical for self defense." What kind of aikido do you practice that is "fun" but impractical. That is not Budo, either what you are studying contributes to martial development or it has no place in a dojo.
I have great respect for Yoseikan having trained briefly with some of them including Augier Sensei. Please do not confuse the athleticism required to do dramatic sutemi on the mat with the spirit of "cutting the enemy down with one strike".
I think that the intention behind this kind of training is admirable and I mean no criticism towards the people involved, but I firmly believe that proper study of the actual principles embodied in the waza with an attitude of shugyo, rather than self defense or sport, would go much further in creating the foundations required.
I have fought against different kinds of martial artists and i agree that the first thing that goes out of the window when you are hit is "the plan", so if people want to improve forget the plan. Practice your art until it is embedded to the bone, follow the practice of shu ha ri, but not too quickly. Personally I think that aikido will suffer more form the so-called "realists" than from the traditionalists.
If people really want to learn to fight stop wasting your time in the dojo, just check out a few bars and issue a challenge. If you want to box find a boxer and if you want to learn aikido find out what it is.

If your temper rises withdraw your hand, if your hand rises withdraw your temper.
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