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Old 04-21-2007, 01:42 PM   #13
Rich Toshney
Location: Midlands
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 11
United Kingdom
Re: What do you get from Aikido that you didn't get from a previous art.

Thanks very much for the responses.

It seems that there are 2 distinct areas highlighted. The first being the physical skill set with the clear emphasis on self defence. I'm guessing that is one of the attractions for many ie. the means to seek the most peaceful resolution to a situation/conflict.

In summary, the second area is very much focused on the practitioners mind set. I can't really comment greatly on that side of things as I don't know that many aikidoka. Likewise I have previously studied an art with a definite sporting slant, so the Budo side of things is slightly alien.

You guys have given me a little more to think about, so I feel I need to start over with Aikido with an open mind. I don't know if it is the art for me, but then maybe my confusion comes from trying to compare dissimilar martial arts. You never know it could be the first step of a very long path. What is interesting is the different mindset. Most practitioners of martial arts talk about belts and years to gain a black belt etc. I find the most fascinating comments on this forum are from aikido practitioners saying they have only just started their journey after x number of years.

Thanks again folks,

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