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Old 04-20-2007, 07:02 AM   #9
Location: St. Louis, MO
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 179
Re: What do you get from Aikido that you didn't get from a previous art.

Richard Toshney wrote: View Post
I suppose the biggest issue I have is that I don't fully understand what I am looking for in a martial art.
That's the best place to begin, by honestly asking that very question...and believe me, you're not alone! Most of the famous and legendary figures in martial arts history (including O'Sensei himself) spent literally decades of their lives doing exactly what you've now doing. Even us ordinary, rank-and-file practitioners spend several months to years of our lives wrestling with this very question.

The important thing is to be totally honest with yourself, do the necessary research, make the contacts, and then proceed with a clarity of mind & spirit. Until you identify & articulate for yourself what you want out of the martial're just going to chase your own tail.

Example: some folks love to compete in public venues and wish to win awards and acclaim. As such, they chose those martial arts/sports that will allow them to achieve this. Some folks like to fight, so they chose those martial arts/sports that allow them to do this in a legal manner. Some folks are very concerned about self-defense matters, so they chose those martial arts that will give them the requisite skills to protect themselves. You get my point...
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