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Old 04-19-2007, 03:07 PM   #2
Tennessee Mike
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 20
Re: What do you get from Aikido that you didn't get from a previous art.

I can think of four reasons.
1) In karate, I never felt easy about getting close to my opponent sparring always seemed as a bunch of long range attacks. Aikido gave me a different perspective and technique set.
2) Aikido gives a sense of community that I didnt see in karate. I see a more social atmosphere.
3) I have more options to dealing with threats. I dont have to devastate my opponent to win.
4) I have never met an sensei that didnt feel comfortable allowing their students to explore other martial arts. Aikido is like a path and it is the student that devotes their time and effort to move advancing and personalizing it.
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