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Old 03-17-2002, 02:51 PM   #3
Greg Jennings
Dojo: S&G BJJ
Location: Springboro, OH
Join Date: Jul 2000
Posts: 1,132
Re: When should forward rolling be introduced?

Originally posted by Arianah
I was wondering: how long into training do you think is the proper time to learn rolling? In a beginners' class, do you often introduce rolling right away, wait a few weeks, wait a few months
Our dojo has been described as "invigorating" (Paul Clark, are you reading this?). A lot of people don't want to train that way, so take this with a grain of salt.

We teach people to do sit outs and rolls right away. We teach the rolls from a kneeling position first, then standing (unless they're very athletic).

The basic rolls are followed by a multitude of rolling drills. E.g., back-and-forths, front-blend-to-back, back-blend-to-front, jumping rolls over a partner, cross-footed rolls.

When they can roll OK, we let them participate in a drill we call "the flop". That's their first intro into break falls.

Our instructor is very concerned that students develop really good ukemi skills. We spend a lot of time on it.


Greg Jennings
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