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Old 04-02-2007, 03:26 PM   #129
Kevin Leavitt
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Re: Ki-Aikido or Taiji - effectiveness in developing Qi?

Mark wrote:

As for #2, my answer is it works. Even though I don't do MMA, I can definitely see applications to using it in an MMA environment. Let me take a stab at this. If I'm "grappling" with someone and I can take their force and ground it such that it throws them off balance, then I can take advantage of their off balance to fit whatever lock or strike I want. If someone gets an armbar on me and I can negate effectively negate that, then it gives me a lot of options I wouldn't normally have with just technique.
Mark, how can you say that you can see how this would work in a MMA environment if you don't know MMA or have not trained in it? This is what is frustrating for me as a MMA guy. Guys that don't train in MMA then profess to see theorectically how it could help, but yet cannot show me how to apply it.

This is not to say it has no merit or that there is nothing Mark Murray has of value to teach me. Far from it.

My guess would be that you are probably much better at aikido than I am in an aikido kinda context. My guess is that you probably can do many things with internal skills...heck I can't even adequately demonstrate unbendable arm!

However, in a MMA environment, things might be much different, and you may not be able to demonstrate jack, if what you say is true and have no experience in it.

This is not to say that MMA is the end all and be all of that is in the spectrum of Martial Arts or budo...however, once you throw your hat into this big ring of fire...well the glove are off and now you must play within a different paradigm.

As I said was a humbling experience to say..."yea, I am a aikido guy...I can hold my own." and then proceeded to get my ass handed to me by a guy with less than a years worth of training in a MMA context.

So, yes, once you bring up that term...MMA we are looking at a whole different criteria to judge realitive value of time and skills.

It is not if you can "see" how it might be is can you demonstrate it effectively.

I take it one step further... "how is it different from what many of the top guys such as Rickson Gracie are doing?"

Pete and Ron are attempting to answer these questions, and I appreciate it.

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