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Old 03-19-2007, 09:41 AM   #27
Ellis Amdur
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Posts: 934
Re: Shihan vs Fighters

I try to stay away from threads like this, but out of genuine concern for the future of Aikiweb (some of my favorite writers have considered - or decided - to quit), I'm going to participate.
It's unclear to me if Mr. Baker, feeling his power in whatever type of training he's doing, is calling out aikidoka for a fight, or if he's suggesting that his teachers(s) should fight, or professional fighters he's seen on TV. Somehow, I think it's one of the latter two. Or you would, Mr. Baker, simply post that you, with whatever skills you have, can beat up any and all aikido practitioners, put up your address, and welcome visits - much as they do on the unlovely site - Bullshido. But you are not saying that, are you? You are really taking the discussion to the next high level, "My dad can beat your dad!"
It's one thing to write - as some are - that the introduction (reintroduction) of a certain training method can truly improve one's aikido technique, and that, further, that this training method was once in aikido, and should return. It's unfortunate that the gracelessness of many posters on both sides of this question sometimes lead to rather pointless arguments and offended feelings, because that really obscures a quite interesting discussion.
This thread is something else. I do not know if you are an aikidoka.If so, you ought to quit training in an art that you hold in such disdain. If not, you should get off this site, because this is simply trolling - yet another example of an electron warrior. When I read puerile posts like "take the ten best shihans ,and ten best fighters in the world. dream on if you want to," it angers me because this type of poster can take over a site and induce people to simply stop participating.
Go back to anime, little boy (and you may be forty years old for all I know). If you are hiding behind your powerful teacher(s), imagining what they can do to unnamed aikido shihan, such sweaty fantasies should be kept to yourself in the privacy of your room. However, if you are putting out a challenge yourself, then the internet is not the place to do it - go visit dojos yourself - and take all the consequences, physical and legal.

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