Thread: Guns?
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Old 03-16-2007, 01:25 PM   #30
Tony Hudspith
Dojo: Hartlepool/Peterlee
Location: Hartlepool
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 38
United Kingdom
Re: Guns?

Hi everyone
Okay this is where we can all blow our own trumpets and say what, who and why it's the best but we all have our own theories. These are my theories backed up by working closely with the prison service here in England and with the Belgian special forces in Brussels. Please remember these are not for everyone so take these with a pinch of salt.
Basically, whether it is a long (rifle), short (pistol) or a midi, if you have too many options there's more chances of getting it wrong.
We have found the simplest (not necessarily the best) way is to always go to one side and react from there. This is whether the weapon is in front of you or sticking in your back.
This then becomes an instinctive movement which may be enough to dodge a round.
Keep disarming techniques to a minimum thus reducing the chance of getting it wrong with too many options.
What we definitely do is when they say "Stick 'em up" we raise our hands in line with the muzzle and palms facing forward. This creates a non-offensive stance to the assailant. This better places your hands for a "grab" as some of you have mentioned.
I hope this has put a bit of light on the subject and got the old grey matter working in our heads. Always here to help if I can.
Be safe


p.s If someone has got a gun in front of you make sure your sniper friend has line of sight on him!!!
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