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Old 03-13-2007, 06:50 PM   #26
mathewjgano's Avatar
Dojo: Tsubaki Kannagara Jinja Aikidojo; Himeji Shodokan Dojo
Location: Renton
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Re: Dan, Mike, and Aikido

They don't blend with ukes center, they don't need to, they totally disrupt it from the instant you make contact with them. Its as if as soon as you touch them they suck in all you energy and then shoot it back at you two fold while at the same time being totally loose and relaxed. At times it can be quite startling.
Of course it's hard for me to be sure of the distinction you're making without experiencing it, but I thought this description fit what I consider to be the Aikido method. At my dojo I've heard mention of yin and yang qualities. From what I've been able to experience, grabbing a good nage can sometimes feel like you're being crushed through the palm of your hand all the way through your's a whole-body sensation of being smothered, and then all of a sudden the pressure releases and you feel light as air and completely disoriented.
Anyway, I'm babbling like usual, but I've always been under the impression that "de ai" is central to Aikido and that "de ai" essentially means you're disrupting uke at or before the moment of contact, like with your description. So I wonder if the distinction really just boils down to a matter of one's dedication toward training.
So after reflecting on this post i can't help but feel like you'd reply that you weren't saying Aikido doesn't include these things, or that I'm missing a key point. What do you think? Does my experience sound similar to what you're thinking of?
Take care,

Last edited by mathewjgano : 03-13-2007 at 06:55 PM.

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