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Old 02-25-2007, 03:07 PM   #686
Kevin Leavitt
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Dojo: Team Combat USA
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: Baseline skillset

Dan Wrote:

I give you that I -may- not understand Aikido. I said "may not." But wish to add once again -I've said it so many times- that it is my belief that these skills hold the best potential to achieve that "open heart" you are talking about. In fact I think they make a quantum leap into resolving the oft seen passive/agressiveness prevelent in Aikidoka. Gentle folks will have actual power -real and whole- to stop attackers in a much more adroit and uninvolved fashion. These skills are the engine! It is where it came from in the first place. They are Aikido. Without them, no real AIkido.
It is the way, and no other.
So , though no person is unstoppable I'd place my money on folks having these skills in their aikido over anyone else in aikido without them. I woud like to add that I have been surrounded by aikidoka lately. I tell them to take these skills and work them and use them in their Aikido to make it better. Further, to not even tell folks where they got it. My focuse is to build them. I understand what its like to have been lied to and have had things held back
Dan, if it is so core to the essence of aikido and the whole open heart/understanding/enlightment thing...AND if that is what is really important as the core reason to study would seem to me that we would have aikidoka abandoning the art least the ones that are honest with themselves in their search for this secret key that unlocks the door.

Two, if this were the case, and you have discovered it...AND the majority of aikidoka don't get it, then why would you waste your time hanging out here with us? Why not hang out with Yoga people, TKD guys, or another group of people? as aikido would be as irrelevant and invalid as the next art.

Unless you see the potential for prosetlyzation of the ignorant masses that are looking for what you possess.

Why bother making their aikido better? what would be the point? What is it that aikido offers if this is true? What would be the point of studying it if the so-called internal skills were so important and salient? Why not just study these skills and acheive the open heart?

As usual I am confused as to why you waste your time with us aikido types?

What is in it for you? are you really that altruistic with your supposed unique gift of understanding, or do you gain some benefit from aikido types?

It sounds like prostelyzation to me. Which is fine. Just define the martial critieria upon which we can work on these unique skills, then we can come and experience.

If you could do this in an acceptable manner to me, that demonstrated that aikido and Saotome Sensei's organization did not have anything to offer me as far as a better understanding of true martial arts, budo, and acheiving a open heart understanding, then I would definiitely join your gang!

Until then.

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