Thread: First Seminar!
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Old 03-01-2002, 07:00 AM   #10
Bruce Baker
Dojo: LBI Aikikai/LBI ,NJ
Location: Barnegaat, NJ
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 893
First seminar

The hardest thing about a first seminar ... is you usually are so excited that it is over before you know it? I have been to many of Sensei O'Connor's classes or seminars, and Yamada Sensei's Seminars ... and having fun and laughing are a high priority to the mood and spirit of the seminar.

If someone is videotaping the seminar, that is the best way to get your notes, which you can study later, and pick apart the mistakes you made. Don't force yourself on the blackbelts, who are usually glad to train with anyone, but then don't be afraid to go with anyone, including higher ranking Sensei's as they enjoy teaching as much as practice, and we all wish to see lessons be enjoyable, not a struggle.

If you get someone who can clear up minor points during practice, listen and think about it in relation to what works for others practicing around you. No one expects to perfection, that is why we train and look at the variations of different techniques by different Sensei's? So, just like practice, doing, listening, and trying will make it a most enjoyable, first, second, etc... etc seminar ... until your tenth seminar will as much fun as your first.

Enjoy! Both O'Connor Sensei and Yamada Sensei continue to grow with each seminar. I expect to see them both in two weeks at LBI, NJ when Yamada Sensei give a seminar for our Aikikai.
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