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Old 02-12-2007, 02:08 PM   #67
Kevin Leavitt
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Dojo: Team Combat USA
Location: Olympia, Washington
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4,376
Re: Western religion and Aikido

I believe that more ignorance comes from blind faith than from doubting and seeking knowledge and understanding of the truth.

I don't pretend to know or understand completely any truth. I also try and not be critical of others that believe or the paths they are on...because that is a personal choice.

However, once you say, "I know"...I have a multitude of questions that I would ask and challenge you with, and the answers have to be more substansive than...."because the book says so", or "I was told it was so".

I have the same approach toward religion as I do to aikido and martial arts. I expect my teachers to be able to demonstrate what they profess to know, and when I ask why...they need to be able to explain/demonstrate or have the courage to say "I don't really have the answer". However, if that answer is, "because that is the way I was taught." ...I have issues.

Last edited by Kevin Leavitt : 02-12-2007 at 02:11 PM.
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