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Old 01-15-2007, 09:17 AM   #10
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
Location: West Florida
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Re: Baseline skillset

Mike Sigman wrote:
So we've got Sum using a very clever set of mechanics (and yeah, Ignatius, I'm not going to say what they are on a public forum) ...
Ahh. Mechanics. The subject of any number of textbooks. Nothing secret about them. Ueshiba said that "... budo is the life of loving protection and is the source of the activities of science." He urged his students to change the paradigm of teaching and learning into an open one, like science, as he said, putting all his "secret" techniques right out there in the omote forms.

What then is the purpose of touting "baseline" skills in an aikido forum where you are never willing to discuss and speak plainly what you actually mean? If one cannot actually "know" but from feel, then what is the risk?

Budo is risk-taking. There is a risk that, in talking about something, it may not be understood. It is a risk that in speaking so obscurely one might be ignored as having no real "point" to obscure. It is a risk that, saying something, it may be critically examined. It is a risk that it might be challenged.

By what physical mechanism then, you do you say that Master Sum is transmitting the dantien/hara movements that we see in the video?


Erick Mead
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