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Old 11-25-2006, 10:07 AM   #36
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: "Aikido in Daily Life" & Ki

I agree with Mike except to add that thinking the big dogs "have it."
Will prove to be a long path frought with many winding turns that may lead nowhere.

In truth, I think a lot of the guys at the top ain't got squat. Just technique, and maybe a relaxed body, technique, and a good measure of cooperative students.
It would be facinating to see just how few have truly worthwhile pieces.

Here's another unpopular opinion.
Men hide what they don't have just as often as what they do have. It is a long road to discover which is which if you don't have the tools to discern the difference in the first place.
It is my opinion that you don't get there unless you train solo bodywork.
Where are the solo training drills to build the connections that have been there under which Big dogs?
Takeda trained solo, Sagawa did, Ueshiba did.
When I talked about solo training eleven years ago no one knew, gave a rats ass and even scoffed at the idea on the net.
What changed? Or never was, but now has become... something that was always there.
Another big question is who has what?
I find it hard to believe that some-one- has it all.
I find the concept of "exploring the internal landscape" intriquing. But in itself is a life long, difficult road.
Who has a -great kernal of truth- but has not trained it or learned it well... so is dissmised as having real depth.
Who has a -lesser kernal- that he trained really, really, well so he sends folks down a lesser path.
Its hard to tell the difference.

Last edited by DH : 11-25-2006 at 10:17 AM.
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