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Old 11-24-2006, 10:39 AM   #132
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: Meeting with Dan Harden in Boston

It really does seem that there is an undercurrent going through the Aikido world that has the capacity to:

A - completely change current training methods (either back to what was originally there or to include elements that should be there -- however people want to view it).

B - to wreak havok among Aikido schools (and in some small part, you can see it happening here where people argue about what aikido really is)


C -- both A and B.

But, neither is not an option at this point. Things have been introduced in a fashion that Aikido will change. The question remains on whether your school will change or whether your school will remain as it is.

This isn't something that will change over night. It's something that the next generation of Aikido students will face. IMO, anyway.
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