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Old 11-24-2006, 08:49 AM   #130
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: Meeting with Dan Harden in Boston

Dan Harden wrote:
Hi Bud

I thought you trained with him. My mistake. Was it just that once in Nov.?
I thought it would be interesting to see what Ushiro was doing to instill it in others. Whether he taught what was behind the sanchin kata...things like that.
And more interestingly.why....would ikeda be making this "observation" now? Is it ...after feeling Ushiro?
Yeah, I only trained once with Ikeda. Haven't made it to see Ushiro yet, but from the sounds of things, I'd say he's doing some interesting things. I thought I read a report (other than the one you quoted) on one of Ushiro's seminars and his sanchin kata. Can't find it now, though.

What gets me the most -- That all this "stuff" is being mentioned by people *outside* of Aikido. You, Mike, Rob, Ellis, and Ushiro. Hopefully, Ikeda will be able to help shape a new direction. Otherwise, we'll just get the same old "That stuff ain't Aikido" rhetoric.

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