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Old 11-07-2006, 12:40 PM   #17
Mark Gibbons
Location: Seattle, WA
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 177
Re: Concussion Recovery

I've had way too much practice recovering from concussions (5 that involved hospitals) and have probably exceeded my lifetime quota. None were aikido related luckily. If you are still feeling it after a month I'd say you really got hit and still need to rest. Recovery mostly has felt like dropping a bunch of IQ points and gradually finding them again thru a fog. I also have a morbid fear of white vans. : ) My last took most of a year to recover from. I've been told that repeat injuries before being completely healed are a REALLY BIG DEAL. Not to be chanced. Do you think your Shihan would really care if all you did was go to balance break and didn't take falls? It is your brain after all.

Regards and enjoy the seminar,
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