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Old 10-19-2006, 01:27 PM   #19
Dojo: Dale City Aikikai
Location: VA
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 394
Re: Why do some people hate Aikido?

Wayne Wilson wrote:
...Aikikai has basically preserved the external form of Aikido, and to some extent, the spirit of it. However, the passing of Aikido lineage through Osensei's child Kisshomaru and grandson Moriteru, was a bad call in my opinion. With all due respect, neither of these guys' Aikido has ever been pointed to as even close to Osensei, or even Tohei or Tomiki. They are beaurocratic figureheads of the Aikikai organization, not top form Aikidoka.

Tohei sensei on the other hand was granted 10th dan by Osensei and he ended up being the ONLY Osensei approved 10th Dan. (tons of 10th Dans after tohei left, but these seemed more like political promotions)
Why the big split? politics. I can't help but wonder whether Kisshomaru was jealous of Tohei's favoured ranking and position within Aikikai as given to him by Osensei. I have no evidence, but all I know is, the top ranked Aikidoka in the world was 'pushed out' as head instructor, which was fine, because he just made his own Aikido school....
Kisshomaru was pointed in charge of the Aikikai when he was in High School if my memory serves me correctly so he was in charge for a very long time. He was put in this position by O'Sensei. Aikido follows the iemoto system of transmission so Tohei would never have been in charge, this also explains why there is no rank for Kisshomaru or Moriteru and the same for Waka-Sensei. Tohei Sensei was in charge of the technical instruction only.

The things that Tohei Sensei wanted to introduce to Aikido was not learned from O'Sensei but from the Tempukai, hence the dissatisfaction of this idea from Kisshomaru and the other high ranking Sensei.
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