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Old 10-18-2006, 04:39 PM   #3
Erick Mead
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Dojo: Big Green Drum (W. Florida Aikikai)
Location: West Florida
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 2,619
Re: Why do some people hate Aikido?

Wayne Wilson wrote:
Dude, get over your false sense of modesty.
Oh..., you have NO idea ...
Wayne Wilson wrote:
You ARE presuming to judge Tomiki and Ki Society. It's like saying, "I don't mean to criticize, but you suck" Why mention them at all if you have no experience of them?
I am fairly sure I spoke of "my preference" that "may not answer to all needs" -- not of any judgment of inherent merit or demerit.

Why speak of the moon if I have not visited?

I would do a disservice not to flag the areas where I am speculating from those in which I have sound experience to make a conclusion. That does not mean that interpolation of the gaps in knowledge is not useful, nor that it is necessarily incorrect.

I observe, and I analyze, and I speak; it is my curse, really. (And my stock in trade, for that matter ...)
Wayne Wilson wrote:
I'll do you a favor and presume to judge:
Please, I like favors. They're ... shiny.

Wayne Wilson wrote:
Aikikai has basically preserved the external form of Aikido, and to some extent, the spirit of it.

[DELETE -- ad hominem argument]
My analysis is as good (or poor) as my observations, which may be good or poor. But I note you have not addressed either of them. "My Shihan is WAY badder than your Shihan" pretty much defines my idea of lame and impolite conversation. My concern was hardly put in such terms nor with any such intent.
Wayne Wilson wrote:
But the result? Now there are some fantastic Aikidoka on both sides of the fence ...
I do not doubt that. I did not say or suggest anything to the contrary.
Wayne Wilson wrote:
... , but there is not a whole lot of reintegration of the two schools, but a lot of mutual critique and criticism based on ignorance and the all pervasive, 'fear of the unknown'. Resulting in the comments by Mr. Eric Mead
He who fears criticism, generally perceives it, however, whether it it is there or not. It certainly was not on my part. I may fear many things, but the unknown is hardly among them. My arc of experience is the product of chance and happenstance, merely, as with all those with whom I have actually had the pleasure of training. It was hardly the result of choice or avoidance.

And "Erick" is spelled with a "ck" -- just so you know, (I'm used to it.)


Erick Mead
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