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Old 10-14-2006, 12:16 PM   #68
kimusubi0's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 85
Re: sceptic on the spiritual side of aikido

Juan De La Cruz wrote:
I love the techniques
I love the subtlety of aiki
I love the art
I live by the philosophy
I just cannot get into the spiritual side of it. I dont believe in the kami and/or the gods of war. Dragons and spirits are things that I read in mythology and they all remain in the book after I read them. The universe to me consist of galaxies, interstellar dust clouds, planets, cosmic rays, space debris, comets, moons, etc. The universe to me does not have any consciousness.
I believe in ki as intention. I cannot measure ki as energy. Ironically I sort of believe in ki. Maybe I am just running on faith on this one.
As an aikidoka do we also have to embrace the almost religious aspect of our beloved art. Because like my teachers and my classmates I am a sceptic on the spiritual side of aikido. Because so far my aikido remained the same even though I haven't communucated with any Kami
With Kami or not, understand Aikido is a true dilemma!
If god exists, probably he doesn't resolve your believer problem (science, religion, gods or something).
Question: To believe or not?
Maybe is a false question...

Heisenberg (or Einstein, I'm not sure) said:
"Theory is when one knows everything but nothing works. Practice is when everything works but nobody knows why..."


"Tu as le droit à l'action, mais seulement à l'action, et jamais à ces fruits; que les fruits de tes actions ne soient point ton mobile; et pourtant ne permets en toi aucun attachement à l'inaction. Bh G"
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