Thread: failed?
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Old 09-27-2006, 03:31 AM   #13
Leon Aman
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 52
Re: failed?

Please be informed that I am not in a tone of defaming the divinity of aikido in a real sense, neither do I directly vilify anyone for personal reason. The only fulmination against or demurring at is on the methodology of some people who bring about or take to mean aikido in a limited way, I don't see any special or remarkable thing in aikido that any other MA don't have. The principle being used is not strange to any other MA. In fact it is more easier to practice it than any other MA because every technique is cooperatively done by both uke and tori, undeniably, You know…. I am just wondering why a simplicity (forget it if you disagree with this) of this art seems complicatedly done and that is one that really bogglings me. As I paraphrase what ikeda sensei said" aikido is just simple, only some practitioners maketh it complex". Anyway thanks for all your inputs.


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