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Old 08-15-2006, 04:59 PM   #20
Dojo: Aunkai, Tokyo
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 591
Re: Training the Body for Martial Movement

Dave Findlay wrote:
Top of the scapulas? (scapulae?)... that's about an inch lower than where I was feeling. Maybe I wasn't drawing them close enough together. I was feeling it more around the first vertebra with the big bump on it.
Sounds good
And yes you're right, the first vertabrae with the bump on it.
For me it's dropped further down to the hollow between the first "bump" and the second "bump". But to each his own

Dave Findlay wrote:
and envisage pushing more out using the lats, outside of the humerus and tops of the forearms, it seems to bring in a deeper tension to the tension paths, with a more relaxed feeling in them too.
Sounds good, again, it'll change with time. As long as you're not tensing the lats, you should be fine. Relaxed tension, as long as its not easy, sounds good.

Dave Findlay wrote:
about point one above - relax the shoulders (more!), rather than me getting too cerebral about yin/yang. Hmm, oh well
Bingo. Yin/yang relationships are a result. Don't try and "make" your body conform to it yet. It needs to change a bit first (phsyiologcially, but I'm no doctor)
Yes, relaxing the shoulders more induces more tension

Dave Findlay wrote:
Have you come across the thing where you edge yourself up sideways to a wall until your shoulder touches, then try to raise the foot furthest from the wall?
Just tried it...damn that's mad hard!
At least I don't come undone. I know exactly what that's challenging I think. Not to mention I think I've seen Ark do that in class from time to time when he's messing around
Basically tests how well you can "stand" from side to side. If you lean on the wall in any manner when your balance shifts to the leg closest to the wall then you wont be able to raise the other leg. Its a good barometer and exercise. Nice one Dave!

Dave Findlay wrote:
No, just being particular
You asshat engineers.

Dave Findlay wrote:
"all over the place"? ... Like out getting boozed while it should be at home with the family and kids?
Yes, exactly. And hitting on girls at the bar while trying to handle calls from your other three gfs.

Seriously, I meant either or. Most likely your torso will wobble and be unstable. Though at the beginning stages the cross will also move around and you want to avoid that.

Dave Findlay wrote:
Similar to asking about which part of the head to raise (top vs ba huei), this thing about imaginary wangs has me a bit confused. I'm used to the idea of pulling down the spine through the perinium (for
I'm not that particular, the chinese say perinium. I happen to find the wang idea more uh..."powerful" mentally

Dave Findlay wrote:
My thoughts are that when this location is concentrated on, the pelvis is maintained in a more neutral (horizontal?) postion, and relaxation of the pelvic crease must also go hand-in-hand. If I change focus to the aforementioned wang <ahem>, the central axis feels like its brought forward and consequently the butt has a slight tendancy to stick out, and the pc can also be forgotten about...
Ur tHiNKing 2 muCH
Do whatever you need to do to stabilize it.
Btw, I used to think like you do, wonder about the "why".
(Which would get me a smack on the head from Ark)
Just be sure you seperate between what you "need" to know now, and what you can afford to figure out "later".
As in, maybe the pelvis is maintained in a more neutral position etc, but really it doesn't matter for now. Just adjust those points to where you are the most stable.
Play with the connections and see where it leads you
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