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Old 08-15-2006, 06:37 AM   #12
Dojo: Shodokan
Location: London, UK
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 52
Re: Training the Body. Part 2: Exercesis

Tom Holz wrote:
Thanks for posting the details. This stuff is, for me, gold.

Because I've been working so sporadically, I've only recently been able to get the arms-across-the-chest/back connection. Noteably, I only make progress when I can work out everyday for at least a week. (I can count on one hand how many times that has happened this summer).
Hi Tom,

I agree, I've been messing around with this stuff since Rob posted his videos somewhere a wee while ago. Only recently have I been doing it daily. It was an interesting experience when I was back at training after a few weeks off, and the instructor said something like "hmm, you feel very stable". Pretty cool, and nice to have some feedback too!

In the last month I slacked off a bit, and the difference was even quicker to see, back in the saddle!

Regular (daily) practice seems the key!

Dave Findlay.
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