Thread: "Energy"
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Old 07-18-2006, 10:36 AM   #21
Trish Greene
Dojo: Aikido-Kajukenbo Self Defense Center
Location: Boise
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 98
Re: "Energy"

Basia Halliop wrote:
Maybe it's just me because I'm an engineer, but when I hear the word 'energy' I tend to interpret....
Basia brings up a very valid point here. Much of our language, or any language is open to interpretation depending on that persons experience with the term being used.

You ask three artists to paint a picture of an apple and you will come up with three different apples. You ask 10 people in martial arts to define "energy" and you will get 20 different answers. Some people work better in figurative language concepts while others work better in literal language concepts. Its up to you to determine the context in how they are using the term.

Yes, energy is not literally leaping off the screen, but the experience that the person had while watching the movie of O'sensei gave him a feeling of energy leaping off the screen and that was the only word that the person could come up with to describe to you his experiences. Have patience with us figurative people.

Just my thoughts.
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