Thread: "Energy"
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Old 07-18-2006, 01:44 AM   #11
Neil Mick
Dojo: Aikido of Santa Cruz
Location: Santa Cruz, CA
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 225
Re: "Energy"

David Skaggs wrote:
Like a newborns mind is receptive to learning from its parents, so should a student's mind be receptive to learning from a teacher or sensei.
How very glib. But, yet again, you miss the ball, in attempting to be stylish. Again, this statement neither adds, nor counters, my previous statement. Thought can preceed action; and so can the converse, be true.

So what's the point, David?

Cool, more sixties terminology, I dig what you are saying.
Glibness, thy name is Dave.

Or the teacher does not understand what s/he is teaching or does not know how to communicate ideas well.
I have no idea of your level of Aikido, so I have no clue as to whether or not you've taught, before. So, I'll go on the assumption that you have not.

But, in case this is true: there is not a teacher alive who completely understands Aikido. Nor have I yet to meet one who claims that they do. Even O Sensei stated as much ("Aikido is infinite"). Any teacher who claims total understanding is, IMO, a charlatan.

So, of course teachers will often fall back on vague terms used by their Sensei's before them.

Or hides ignorance.
Yes, this is also possible.

I'm with you dude. ( seventies and eighties terminology)
Look, David: it's all very well to be "cute;" but I am trying for a certain level of discourse, above and beyond the "cuteness." Do you have a point here, or are you just trying to be glib? Because from where I sit, you've so far failed to address the point of the thread.

Save the glib asides for the humor section, OK? Or, at least use it sparingly. It's OK to crack wise, but this is something I have been considering for awhile.

It took me about six months of thought to even post this thread; so I'd appreciate a little thought, in your responses, if you'd be so kind.

Last edited by Neil Mick : 07-18-2006 at 01:53 AM.
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