Thread: "Energy"
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Old 07-17-2006, 11:59 PM   #9
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Re: "Energy"

Neil Mick wrote:
Well, that certainly is one path to right action. But, to get taught, you need to have a mind open to their teaching: and so, I contend that right action begins with a mind receptive to it, in the first place..
Like a newborns mind is receptive to learning from its parents, so should a student's mind be receptive to learning from a teacher or sensei.

Neil Mick wrote:
Sorry, but I feel that this is a cop-out. Lanaguage is supposed to define, not blur. An overused word means nothing, and conveys less.
Cool, more sixties terminology, I dig what you are saying.

Neil Mick wrote:
If a teacher exhorts his students to "extend positive energy:" what is s/he telling you to do? Raise your arms higher? Breathe more deeply? Focus on the infinite?
Or the teacher does not understand what s/he is teaching or does not know how to communicate ideas well.

Neil Mick wrote:
As an Aikido instructor: I am trying to achieve realizable goals. "Fuzzy" terminology, IMO, only works to confuse and muddy the concepts.
Or hides ignorance.
Neil Mick wrote:
IMO, vague terms more often hurt, than help.
I'm with you dude. ( seventies and eighties terminology)

Go ahead, tread on me.
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