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Old 07-13-2006, 07:55 PM   #13
George S. Ledyard
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Dojo: Aikido Eastside
Location: Bellevue, WA
Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 2,670
Re: Dan and Mike's Thread

Look guys... this type of exchange serves no useful purpose. On an Aikido Forum, it's about the Aikido. Both of you believe that you have something to offer the Aikido mainstream which is missing. I don't have a problem with that, it's clear to anyone who looks that there are all sorts of issues in Aikido today. Anyway, character and personality issues don't count in this discussion. it's about the technique. Frankly, both of you come up short when it comes to exchange without pissing some else off...

I would like to see what both of you have got going on... I am motivated strictly by self interest in that I'll train with anyone I think has something to show me that will make my Aikido better. I am going to suggest that Stan Pranin invite you both to do classes at the next Aiki Expo. That will give you a venue in which you can both make a positive contribution. This is what you trying to do, right? Make a positive contribution? Otherwise, I can't figure out what either of you are doing here on Aik Web.

Both of you go on at length about what you know and how the rest of us don't "get it". Then you attack each other... Now I know I don't get it, so you don't get my hackles up much. But what is the purpose? In my opinion, the only legitimate reason for either of you guys to be on Aiki Web, since neither of you are Aikido practitioners, is that you feel you have something to offer which is positive. So I think the best way to go beyond these constant repetitions of "you guys don't get it" without any way to actually see and feel what you are talking about for ourselves would be for both of you to step up and show your stuff at the next Expo. That's what the event is for, after all. I am going to suggest it to Stan. Hopefully the outcome will be more interesting than with Tennenhouse, the last guy who was busy telling all of us that we didn't get it.

George S. Ledyard
Aikido Eastside
Bellevue, WA
Aikido Eastside
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