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Old 06-23-2006, 01:13 AM   #1030
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 53
Straight Face Re: Aikido does not work at all in a fight.

Drew Nichols wrote:
therein lies the paradox. O'sensei achieved his proficiency by ACTUALLY FIGHTING!!! Then later in life advocated not fighting. In order to achieve the proficiency O'sensei attained, you HAVE TO FIGHT against fully resisting opponents. And as far as your "Ki rhytem" (sic), try using that against a non complient uke, and you will get your arse handed to you. This is why aikido 99% of the time will not work in an actual physical altercation the way it is currently trained. I kinda find it funny that the aikido community actually had to develop a quote to defend against it's effectiveness, i.e. "My aikido works, yours does not." Aikido in my opinion does have useful applicable techniques. They just need to be trained in a manner that makes them effective. It's obvious by the examples set by O'sensei that aikido can be effective. Why the aikido community chooses to be passive aggressive in it's philosophy is its downfall.
hi drew nichols,

For your info, I'm on my 3rd week of aikido training and i can tell you that aikido works just fine. I was playing with my dog the other day and when he jumped at me, i did a 180% tenkan and it fooled him good. Another 6 months and i'll ask my sensei to teach me the "2 pinky fingers of death" technique. Then and only then, will i quote "my aikido works, yours doesn't". I have to have my standards, y'know?

Thru aikido, i am now part of this 1000+ (and running) thread. the universe flows thru me.

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