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Old 05-13-2006, 01:30 PM   #24
Location: CA
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 13
Re: Tracing my Philippine Aikikai Roots

Mr. Torres, I apologize for not being able to help you with your query. Nvertheless, here is what I know, the dojo that you were referring to is now the Manila Aikido Club. It is still on the 2nd floor of an old building along Quezon Blvd. in Quiapo. Mr. Tenegra and Mr. Camar parted ways long time ago due to "dojo politics". I guess there were too many chefs in the kitchen. Mr. Camar remained as chief of the club while Mr. Tenegra allegedly founded or joined PAPA.

Raul, I totally agree with you. It is despicable for someone to claim something that they don't actually possess. On a final note, how could a shihan from Ki Society (Galarpe, for example) award a dan grade to someone from "aikikai"? If the former indeed gave the latter the 8th dan, shouldn't the latter claim to be "8th Dan Ki Society" or ShinShin Toitsu for that matter and not "8th Dan Aikikai"? Just curious.

Ritchie, I was a yudansha from Manila Aikido Club. I practiced with Senseis Alex, Ahmed, Sonny and others in the early 90's to 2001. I don't intend to demean my former dojo but I am merely trying to open your mind. During our time, inasmuch as we desire to participate with visiting shihans or senseis from other countries, we were scared to do so because the old man will surely kick us out of the dojo if we did in fact participate. That was my main concern. Learning aikido shouldn't be confined to the four corners of the dojo. There's a lot to learn from seminars and aikido expos. Think about it.
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