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Old 05-05-2006, 09:02 AM   #125
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 3,394
Re: The "Jo Trick" and Similar Exercises

Hi Bud

Yeah I agree .There is an old axium about Farmers and fishermen being the "strongest" people. You know I live in the country and chop wood and I blacksmith as well. I think allot of people want the skills to be sexier than they are and so they make them all esoteric.
Its like putting a teacher on a pedestile artifically in your mind:
Its gives lazy students an excuse
"He so good I'll never get there." So they don't work as hard.
And it affords the less talented the:
"Excellence by affiliation" cop out.

When I show guys and HAND them the tools to work it at home...many still don't do it. And they see me every week!!....argh!
I always chastise them that I am the only one with perfect attendance and whenever I ask who did home work-I'm always in the group. Young people have an aversion to w-o-r-k.

The grand debate is what percentage of the skills came naturally to farmers, fishermen and such, or had to be taught and learned and then where did the mind/intent/ connection and breath work come in. Slinging hay with a fork is an easy transition to spear. and pushing a horse with Fajin was probably very useful as well. And there are body-connection things that are directly relevent to work and load bearing. The breath work is what I have been playing with for years. But because of what we do I still get bogged down in the banging and rolling aspects and bringing guys through that.
What else is new right?

I am trying to swing the fall Session to come down and see ya. I'm taking Kate to Ireland as a trade-off for Japan last year. So hopefully I am buidling up Husband points. Man did I marry well.

Last edited by DH : 05-05-2006 at 09:16 AM.
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