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Old 05-05-2006, 04:08 AM   #22
Steve Mullen
Dojo: White Rose (Sunderland)
Location: Washington
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 270
Re: Children in the Dojo

Mark Freeman wrote:
Adults ( particularly newish ones) finding kids spinning out of shihonage is a fairly common problem, they are usually very supple and they have a height advantage for this technique, coupled with the fact that we often go much softer on them. It feels quite natural for them to just turn out of it. It is possible to make the exercise work without causing any discomfort, but it does take practice and sensitivity and care.
I know what you are getting at here mark, but in my (as i said above) limited experience of training with kids then causing them discomfort shouldn't be worried about, as long as you stop short of causing excessive pain.

For shihonage i always found that stretching the arm away from mini-uki causes them enough discomfort for them to realise that it would hurt more if they tried to move. a small amount of physical discomfort also lets them know that they are actually learning something that works, and prepares them for 'the next step' (for want of a better phrase).


I in no way advocate the use of excessive force on small people, unless they really annoy you, or you want to make yourself feel like a real man by picking on someone smaller than you

"No matter your pretence, you are what you are and nothing more." - Kenshiro Abbe Shihan
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