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Old 05-04-2006, 06:37 PM   #121
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 31
Re: The "Jo Trick" and Similar Exercises

One mention of this is at Ki-Breathing
That was an interesting article - I've always been interested in Tohei's stuff but from my experience with Aikidoka from Ki society and Kenkyukai, most of the people at my level or above have the same trouble with the ki stuff that I do. Instructors of 30 or 40 years were able to do stuff to me, but that's pretty normal no matter what Aikido they do. I can't seem to see that they necessarily have a greater level of "ki" development that at any other dojo - kind of what the initial writer of the article was saying. I have noticed other health benefits from "ki" breathing though. It's interesting though that later down the article that Bob Jones implies that ki breathing is the easiest way to develop ki, but he also mentions that it is not meant to improve Aikido.

Last edited by johanlook : 05-04-2006 at 06:42 PM.
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