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Old 05-02-2006, 09:57 AM   #1
Steve Mullen
Dojo: White Rose (Sunderland)
Location: Washington
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 270
Children in the Dojo

I have never trained in a dojo with children (the closest i have experienced is two 12yr old lads, and one session where a youth club came along) So i was wondering, what, if anything, do children bring to a dojo? or to aikido as a whole? what is it like to teach them?

From my very limited experience i think it makes you look at your own technique in more detail when you have to explain it to someone who maybe cant make the mental connections that an adult can (by which i mean work out for themselves what you have said) so you have to be bang on otherwise they just plain don't get it.

From a practical point of view i felt that it made me focus on control without causing too much pain, and how to make uki go where i want them to.

What do you all think??

"No matter your pretence, you are what you are and nothing more." - Kenshiro Abbe Shihan
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